Factory cleaning services are integral to any industrial environment. Without them, cross-contamination of equipment could spread throughout the facility, and machinery could quickly deteriorate due to dust accumulation.

factory cleaning Melbourne schedulesFactory cleaners specialise in cleaning areas where products are manufactured with hazardous chemicals and solvents, such as factories, production facilities, warehouses, laboratories or the sales floor. Their goal is to cause minimal disruptions in your workflow while producing maximum results for you and your business.


Industrial environments expose floors to extensive wear and tear, quickly becoming worn-looking and absorbing dirt, grime, odours and spills from staff and customers alike. Therefore, these surfaces must be kept reasonably to maintain health and safety standards within an organisation and ensure customer safety and well-being. Check here for factory cleaning Melbourne schedules.

Whether your floors are tile, hardwood or carpet, regular cleaning and maintenance are vital to protect them against stains and discolouration and extend their lifespan. Without such services, these materials could deteriorate much quicker, forcing you to replace them sooner.

Factory floor cleaners employ various strategies to maintain the cleanliness of your facility’s floors. One such technique is dry sweeping, which entails using a broom and dustpan to sweep debris off without wetting it. Wet mopping uses water or cleaning solutions directly to materials to remove dirt. Mopping can be performed manually using a hose/bucket combination or fluid machines. When wet mopping is performed, mats/rugs/pads can be placed over furniture to protect it from moisture damage.

If your facility has an abundance of dust buildup, consider having someone walk around at regular intervals using a wet mop at a designated time each day with one. Ir will prevent it from becoming airborne and polluting other parts of your facility.


Food factories must regularly clean their walls to prevent dirt and debris accumulation; in particular, they must ensure their walls are free of bacteria that could contaminate their products. It may involve sweeping, mopping, vacuuming and applying disinfectants as necessary.

Cleaning of any facility’s rafters, beams, and ductwork must occur at a high level to prevent the build-up of dust and other contaminants – an essential step for worker safety and productivity – is essential. A foaming agent may encase dust before being carried down to low-lying areas where it can be safely swept or vacuumed for safe disposal.

Shot blast cleaning is another common method used in factory settings to safely and effectively remove surface contaminants from materials like metal, concrete and wood surfaces. A professional factory cleaning service should be able to assess your specific facility needs and create an individualised plan for eliminating contaminants using this method. Shot blast cleaning teams usually come equipped with all the appropriate safety gear and specialised equipment, enabling for successful and safe removal of contaminants utilising this approach.


In preventing damage, factory equipment requires regular cleaning, from industrial machinery to office furniture. Furthermore, specialised services offer additional cleaning for areas containing hazardous materials – including warehouses, laboratories or the sales floor – by eliminating chemicals, solvents and other substances without harming surfaces and equipment.

Factory cleaners use various tools to cleanse facilities thoroughly. It may include buckets, mops, brooms, scrub brushes, vacuum cleaners and disinfectants to remove dirt, dust, debris and contaminants from surfaces. In hard-to-reach places, they may use shot blast cleaning equipment that uses high-pressure water with special cleaners to safely cleanse surfaces without causing damage or corrosion.

Cleanliness in a factory environment is vital for employee well-being and health, and a dirty workplace can contribute to stress, fatigue and diseases such as asthma. A reliable commercial cleaning service provider can offer various services designed to maintain an ideal workplace for employees, such as sweeping and mopping floors, washing windows, cleaning furniture and disinfecting sales floors – among many others.

Keeping your factory clean is vital for the safety and efficiency of your business. A professional cleaning company will have the products, equipment and expertise to ensure your facility is spotless.

Dirty areas can cause contamination and slow production, leading to missed deadlines and lost revenue. Regular commercial cleaning also preserves machine longevity and reduces wear and tear.